Settembre 14, 2024

An exclusive, revolutionary method, patented by the Florida AGSM that makes it possible to make every American footballer a champion ready to play in Europe

The innate passion for soccer pushes you to listen to your heart and to go beyond the barriers and boundaries that delimit States around the globe.

It’s that strength that encourages you to do more and more, to demonstrate your skills and, at the same time, to highlight your skill which, over time, can only bear fruit if followed by competent people.

Of course, as happens in all sectors and jobs in the world, study and practice become fundamental, but they aren’t enough to make a simple talented boy become a champion. There’s, therefore, the need to contact the specialists in the sector, those who really manage to help you in what could make you take that leap in quality, the same one that every player aspires to and wants to achieve.

The achievement of the goal, in truth, isn’t an unattainable goal, but, just as mentioned above, it’s necessary to keep in mind the indispensable factors that contribute to the growth of the individual who, consequently, can become part of renowned football clubs and become thus the new Pelé, Rooney, Maradona, Baggio, Ronaldo or Messi of the future.

You need to have stubbornness, perseverance and will to do all this, but also have the opportunity to get in touch with a series of professionals who know how to shape the player until they know perfection.

Regardless of his role (full-back, forward, defender, etc.), AGSM supports the individual in all phases of his growth, without neglecting any detail.

As proof of this, the Miami Magic is the living demonstration of what we’re showing you and, therefore, the method invented and patented by this agency has truly revolutionized the world of football.

The inventor, Alessio Sundas, is firmly convinced that a player, if he’s good and nobody knows him, no club will ever notice him.

Only very few overseas players have had the good fortune to come to Europe and play for renowned teams, while the other remaining part (we’re talking about a very high percentage) hasn’t been able to follow in their footsteps. The reason? Simple: perfecting yourself and understanding your weaknesses is fundamental and, only and exclusively, with this team of professionals in the sector you will be able to reach the coveted goal and, consequently, to significantly decrease the high percentage of players to whom it would have been denied this possibility.

Each player is analyzed in a particular way, through a series of steps that contribute to advance his strength, his skill and his abilities, even going so far as to cancel those small defects that become, instead, synonymous with weakness.

It’s incredible what you can really do thanks to these experts who, thanks to their working concept, have become unique in the world.

It isn’t just a question of the player’s image, nor just of making him known and valued, but it’s practically a combination of evaluation, marketing promotion and analysis of his path aimed at individual and professional growth.

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